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  • ReikiEma: Holistic Therapist, and Reiki Teacher in Cheshire, Merseyside and Manchester. Animal Reiki.

    Unlock the power of Reiki with ReikiEma - a CNHC registered practitioner working across Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. Experience holistic healing, Animal Reiki therapy and Reiki training. Book your session now and discover the meaning of wellbeing! Client testimonials available. Home: Image Welcome Discover a new path to wellbeing with ReikiEma. A certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher and accredited Holistic Therapist, ReikiEma offers a comprehensive range of services and wellness resources. Our offer includes Reiki therapy training for personal wellbeing or professional development, Reiki healing treatments, Reiki for animals and meditation teaching, in Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, UK. Transform your life today with ReikiEma. Book now Client Testimonials Jess, Manchester, Storbritannien "Ema er et smukt menneske ind og ud. Hun er så positiv, og jeg mærker harmonien omkring hende. Jeg vidste ikke rigtig, hvad Reiki var, men Ema var meget venlig at give mig et behandlingsforløb, som var så fredeligt og Jeg følte mig så afslappet! Jeg falder i søvn på dette fredfyldte sted, og når behandlingen er slut, føler jeg mig så afslappet og forfrisket! Kan varmt anbefales!" Find available appointment times here TILGÆNGELIGE TJENESTER FULD REIKI BEHANDLING Personlige Reiki-behandlinger (med Covid-sikre foranstaltninger) i mit centrale Warrington-healingrum eller hjemme hos dig! For at booke din session, besøg direkte eller kontakt mig via telefon, e-mail, besked eller sociale medier! Jeg glæder mig til at dele energien med dig!

  • Train in Reiki with ReikiEma

    Reiki courses *NY* Reiki 1 (begynder) kursus (foreløbige kursusdatoer nedenfor) En introduktion til Reiki, og 4 justeringer fra UK Reiki Federation Registered Reiki Master Teacher Ema Melanaphy for at give dig helbredende hænder. Lær om Reiki og de måder, du kan bruge det på! Opdag, hvad energihealing er, og lær om kroppens forskellige energisystemer. På Reiki 1 (det ikke-professionelle niveau) kan du bruge Reiki til dig selv, familie og venner og selskabsdyr. Du vil også finde ud af andre måder, hvorpå Reiki kan bruges i dit liv (Reiki-meditationer, hands-off og hands-on behandlinger og meget mere), og håndpositionerne for at give en fuld behandling . Kurserne løber i 2 sammenhængende hele dage - medbring gerne din egen frokost. Som en del af dette kursus modtager studerende en Reiki 1 manual, færdiggørelsesbevis og snacks/drikkevarer under kurset. Minimum klassestørrelse er 2 personer, kursusdepositum er £50. Pris: £200 i alt (saldoen betales 2 uger før kurset ) *NY* Reiki 2 * (Praktitioner) kursus (foreløbige kursusdatoer nedenfor) Et 2-dages kursus på Practitioner-niveau, inklusive manual, certifikat og justeringer på niveau 2 fra Reiki Master Ema Melanaphy. Tag din nuværende erfaring, læring og forståelse af Reiki til det næste niveau. Lær hvordan du bruger de symboler, der kommer i spil på dette højere niveau, samt mere avancerede energiarbejdsteknikker. Niveau 2 indeholder også praktisk vejledning, juridisk og forretningsinformation omkring oprettelse af din egen professionelle Reiki-praksis og ser på selvudvikling og faglig udvikling. Kurserne løber i 2 sammenhængende dage, og du vil blive tilbudt løbende støtte og mentorordning fra din Reiki Master efter afslutningen. Minimum klassestørrelse er 2 personer, kursusdepositum er £50. Pris: £250 i alt (saldoen betales 2 uger før kurset) *Reiki 1 er en forudsætning for dette kursus Reiki 1 student, 2023 "Chilled and relaxing"

  • Wisdom Keepers Video | ReikiEma

    Wisdom Keepers Video Wisdom Keepers: Connect to the Light Within Se forhåndsvisning £ Køb fra 1 £ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Kopier link Link kopieret

  • ReikiEma's Story

    Min historie Hej, jeg hedder Ema! Jeg er et nørdet menneske med en passion for læring, selvudvikling, holistiske og komplementære terapier og at hjælpe mennesker (af alle arter) til at leve deres bedste liv! Efter at have arbejdet i den offentlige sektor i over 10 år, og efter at have nået mit "drømmejob" som projektleder, fik jeg en ændring af prioriteter og indså, at det var tid til at gøre tingene på min egen måde - at leve livet med det gør mit hjerte glad! Jeg åbnede min virksomhed i begyndelsen af 2020, da jeg kvalificerede mig som professionel Reiki-udøver - og på trods af min (velsagt tvivlsomme) timing, er jeg stadig meget her - ved at være fleksibel og styre de sidste par års kurvebolde! Jeg trives med at finde nye, kreative måder at bringe mit arbejde fremad, støtte og hjælpe andre – og også mig selv! Jeg er i øjeblikket en kvalificeret Reiki Master Teacher, og tilbyder Reiki kurser og Reiki sessioner for mennesker og dyr. Jeg underviser også i meditation, er holistisk akupressur-udøver og Shiatsu-studerende, i år 2 (selvom mit 3. år) af Manchester Shiatsu College's Level 4 Professional Practitioner Diploma. Som en multipotentialite er mine interesser, lidenskaber og vision vidtrækkende, så hold øje med dette rum for flere opdateringer om seje nye retninger og tråde til tapetet af min porteføljekarriere! Jeg melder mig også frivilligt til RSPCA og er involveret i et fantastisk Animal Reiki-studie med University of Chester i forbindelse med RSPCA! Super spændende ting - mere følger om det, i april 2022! Mit behandlingsrum er i det centrale Warrington, ved Suite 3, 3-5 Wilson Patten Street (på tværs af vejen fra Go Outdoors, tæt på Bank Quay Train Station og 5 minutters gang fra Golden Square Shopping Centre). Du kan kontakte mig på telefon (07521 125618), WhatsApp, e-mail (, besked, og jeg er også på sociale medier (links ovenfor )

  • Pregnancy & Post-Natal Massage Client Fo | ReikiEma

    Pregnancy & Post-Natal Massage Client Form Pregnancy/Post-Natal Massage: Medical & Consent Form * First name * Last name * Date of Birth Måned * Address * Phone Email * Emergency Contact: Name & relationship to you * Emergency Contact: Phone number (for us to phone/text) How did you hear about ReikiEma? Google Search Other Website Search Recommendation/Word of Mouth Social Media Other Yes, subscribe me to your newsletter. * Have you received Massage Therapy or Bodywork before (including before pregnancy)? Yes No Medical Details * GP Address * GP Surgery Phone number * Have you received Massage Therapy or any other Complementary or Holistic Therapies before? Past Complementary Therapies/Massage If yes, what type of therapy, and (approximately) when was your last treatment? Other therapies * Are you currently taking any Medication? Yes - prescribed Yes - not prescribed No * If you are taking any medications, please specify the name if you can, and what it's for. Medications info * Do you exercise? Yes No If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how many times per week, for how long, and what type(s) of exercise? Exercise info Please list and briefly describe any conditions or symptoms you have experienced, or are experiencing. * Any allergies or sensitivities * Have you had any serious or chronic illness, operations or traumatic accidents? Serious or chronic illness, surgery or traumatic accidents * Pre-natal Care Provider Pre-natal Care Provider info May I have permission to contact your Care Provider? * Due Date Måned * This is my (number: 1st, 2nd etc) Pregnancy Pregnancy Number * This will be my (number: 1st, 2nd...) birth. Birth number * Please tick current problems. Anaemia Leaking Amniotic Fluid, or Vaginal Bleeding * Bladder infection * Uterine bleeding * Blood clot or phlebitis * Chronic hypertension * Abdominal Cramping * Diabetes (gestational or mellitus) Oedema/swelling Fatigue Headaches Insomnia High Blood Pressure * Leg cramps Miscarriage * Heartburn Nausea Problems with placenta * Pre-term labour * Pre-eclampsia (toxemia) * Sciatica Separation of the rectus muscles Separation of the symphysis pubis Skin disorders / athlete's foot Excess thirst Varicose Veins Visual disturbances * Previous caesarian birth Contagious conditions Muscle sprain/strain Heart attack/stroke Constipation Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Low Blood Pressure Morning sickness Anxiety, stress or mood swings Breathlessness Other conditions or problems in current or past pregnancy (please detail below) Anything else you would like me to know? (please detail below) Current pregnancy conditions and symptoms * Please tick any problems experienced in previous pregnancy(ies) Anaemia Leaking Amniotic Fluid, or Vaginal Bleeding Bladder infection Uterine bleeding Blood clot or phlebitis Chronic hypertension Abdominal Cramping Diabetes (gestational or mellitus) Oedema/swelling Fatigue Headaches Insomnia High Blood Pressure Leg cramps Miscarriage Heartburn Nausea Problems with placenta Pre-term labour Pre-eclampsia (toxemia) Sciatica Separation of the rectus muscles Separation of the symphysis pubis Skin disorders / athlete's foot Excess thirst Varicose Veins Visual disturbances Previous caesarian birth Contagious conditions Muscle sprain/strain Heart attack/stroke Constipation Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Low Blood Pressure Morning sickness Anxiety, stress or mood swings Breathlessness Other conditions or problems in current or past pregnancy (please detail below) Anything else you would like me to know? (please detail below) Previous pregnancy conditions and symptoms Further details on current/past pregnancy conditions/symptoms Further details on pregnancy conditions/symptoms I am experiencing a low risk/high risk pregnancy, according to my doctor/midwife. Disclaimer / Client Statement For my records, I need to confirm that you have read, understood and answered all of the previous questions. If there is anything you do not understand, or wish to ask about, please ask me now (before signing this statement). Otherwise, please read the following statement, and sign below to show that you agree. To the best of my knowledge, the information I have given in this form is true, and I have not withheld any information concerning my health. I will keep Ema Melanaphy updated on my health, should there be any changes to the answers already given. If I have, or develop any medical complications (marked with * in the list above) I will discuss the condition with my massage therapist, and will get a medical release signed by my pre-natal care provider, before continuing bodywork. * Client Signature Ryd Date Måned Submit

  • Womb Healing Massage at ReikiEma: Holistic Therapy in the NW, UK

    Womb Healing Massage Deep Healing, Health-boosting, Nourishing What is Womb Healing Massage? Womb Healing massage is a holistic treatment, which combines gentle therapeutic massage over the abdominal area, sides and lower back, with Energy work techniques from Reiki and Shiatsu. This beautiful, powerful healing can also incorporate guided meditation, if requested, to assist with some of the deeper layers of spiritual and emotional healing work which can be incorporated into this treatment. As a holistic therapy, a Womb Healing massage takes place within a sacred energetic space. I hold space for your womb and her wisdom; the seat of all human life, universe for unborn children, projects and intentions. The womb space is our connection direct into the same ancient power and wisdom which birthed the universe, even time and space. It’s the microcosm of the vast mysterious macrocosm - and it lives within us, informing our experience and potential; a source of true power and intuitive knowingness. When we connect with our womb space, hold space for it, with love, compassion and honour, then magic and deep healing can begin to happen. Book now Who is Womb Healing massage for? Anyone who has, or has had a womb, regardless of whether they have or have ever had a menstrual cycle. This treatment can take place for people at any age or life stage. The womb is a crucial part of how those who house one, experience life; she is not simply a functional means to an end or an inconvenience - she is a living, vital, feeling part of us. Connecting with the womb on this holistic level, during a Womb Healing Massage, can allow deep healing to take place - which is so often needed. Sometimes it can be an entire lifetime's healing which is needed. It's never too late or too early to connect in, and claim your power - your birthright. There can be so much judgement, trauma and pain that we, as humans, store here. And the beautiful healing practice of Womb Healing Massage allows you to connect with a hidden, often stigmatised and secret, part of yourself – to gift acceptance, love and full integration of all aspects of yourself, into who you are. This is often a form of shadow-work - bringing your whole self into the light of acceptance and ownership. And this is the true way to gain insight, deep healing, wholeness and ultimately, the unshakable strength that only true self-acceptance and self-knowledge can bring. Book now What happens in a Womb Healing Massage? For this treatment I use a natural, unscented grapeseed oil, and gently massage your whole abdominal area, in a clockwise direction, following the same direction taken by the digestive system, and supporting this nourishing, nurturing flow. I may use acupressure points on the Conception channel (one of the two central channels in Traditional Chinese Medicine) as well, which connect energetically with the reproductive organs, as well as with our digestive organs, to bring balance and harmony. I can also incorporate acupressure points on the legs and feet, to further help re-balance and support your body, energetically. Massaging the womb area can also help re-situate the womb if it’s become misaligned, and also stimulates blood flow, shifting any stagnation, and helping refresh and revitalise the womb. In this treatment I also use Reiki intuitively, to provide deep healing, warmth and connection for you and your womb, on whatever level your journey takes place, on that day. I hold space for you and your womb, honouring her power, using intention and energy to support your journey, in a safe, sacred space of healing. Deep healing like this requires vulnerability, and as guardian and facilitator of this healing experience, I use my compassion, strength and energy to make that possible, in the way that’s right for each individual person. Some people want to be witnessed and accompanied, some people need more space and solitude in the energetic space within – whatever degree of personal space/guidance is required by you, is exactly what I will provide. This is your experience - your healing, and your intuition and individual needs are at the heart of that. Trust yourself. You hold the key to your own healing, even if it's hidden - and I'm there to support you during that process. For some people, a guided meditation can be a helpful opening for self-connection within, especially if there’s a tendency towards busy mind, or a need to be offered a more clearly defined pathway. As an experienced therapeutic meditation teacher, I can offer this support and guidance – using my voice and words as an extension of my energy work, this can be a powerful way to engage the mind in the healing process. Book now What are the benefits of Womb Healing Massage? On the physical level, Womb Healing Massage can help improve blood and energy circulation and flow to both the reproductive and digestive systems. It can encourage hormonal rebalance and assist in the optimal positioning of the womb and uterus. Womb Healing Massage can be helpful in supporting the female reproductive system, where gynaecological concerns are present, such as PMS, endometriosis, blood clots, amenorrhea (missing or irregular periods), lower back pain, adhesions, vaginitis and IBS. It can also be a good way to help enhance your preparations for IVF or ART. As a holistic therapy, Womb Healing Massage can help your whole body's balance, and wellness on all levels. Womb Healing Massage can help with relaxation and stress management. It can also facilitate the release of past trauma (which, until healing takes place, is held within the body), enabling deep emotional or psychological wounds to be addressed. It gives you permission not only to connect with your body, but to honour that part of your experience which may not be welcomed, respected or even seen by the wider world. Womb Healing Massage allows you to connect with, and nurture your sacred womb space, and natural rhythms of your life: the cyclical ebbs and flows of energies and different strengths these states offer you. Womb Healing Massage provides you the means to connect with, and release, emotions, experiences, judgement and hurt which can have been held in the womb space for years, even decades. This is a deeply moving treatment, and can be tremendously empowering - allowing you to connect with yourself and the power of the Universe (or your goddess within). Some people find it helpful to decide on an intention or a question/request for wisdom, which they will ask of their womb. They can then take that intention with them into the energetic healing space, to be held during the treatment, and then revisited again, once the session is complete. The Womb Healing Massage takes place on a very deep level, and language can’t truly capture its essence - as is the case with most treatments which are deeply spiritual and energetic. However, here is what one person said, after receiving her first womb massage: "Recently had Womb massage with a wonderful lady named Ema. An absolutely beautiful experience with major energetic releases and visions during the course of the treatment. This for me is an ongoing process of self discovery and healing, not only myself but my entire female ancestral line. Would highly recommend both Ema and the treatment for all women wanting to heal their relationship with their womb portal and to innerstand their feelings relating to this very sacred vessel that we have the honor to carry . Thank you Ema for providing such a safe , sacred place, for me to connect back to my divine feminine ❤️" If this resonates with you, and if you're ready to discover more about stepping into your own powerful healing journey with Womb Healing Massage, then click below to book your first session. Book now

  • ReikiEma's Media

    Media 01 Ema's Healing, Energetic Meditation: Opening the UK Reiki Federation Virtual Conference 2024 Recorded from the UK Reiki Federation's Virtual Conference, 23rd November 2024. Ema's guided healing meditation is around 30m long. Suitable for anyone - no need for Reiki attunement/training or meditation experience. 02 Guided Healing Meditation for Companion Animals and their Humans Create a safe, nurturing healing space for you and your animal companion, to help them de-escalate from triggered, fearful, panicked or upset states. Discover how to model your energy and mindset, in a way which will be helpful and soothing to both your companion, and yourself. The Guided Healing Meditation for Companion Animals and their Humans is ideal for situations where your companion is over-stimulated or stressed-out, such as Bonfire Night, New Year's Eve, or any other times when they are likely to be triggered and/or overwhelmed. To l earn more about the benefits of Meditation and what Therapeutic Meditation options Ema offers, check out the "About Therapeutic Meditation " page. 03 Wisdom Keepers Workshop Do you know or feel things intuitively sometimes, but don't know whether or when to trust in it completely? Not sure whether it's your own imagination/subconscious wish or actually guidance and wisdom? If this is something you've experienced, and you'd like to learn how to develop your intuition and make it work for you; to discover what tools and techniques are out there for you to use, and just how meditation (and the energies of the Fire and Water Elements) can be key to accessing your inner wisdom and connection with the divine within you, then this Workshop is for you! 04 UK Reiki Federation: Online Webinar panel A panel discussion featuring Ema, about stories and experiences of giving Reiki to animals, in Rescue Centres. 05 Veganism: an Interview with Ema Melanaphy, founder of ReikiEma Ema's interview with UK Therapy Rooms, who were interested in finding out more about being Vegan, as a Therapist. Click to read the Article, on UK Therapy Rooms' website. 06 Shiatsu Society Journal, Autumn 2022 An article by Ema published in the UK Shiatsu Professional Association: "Shiatsu Society Journal". In this article, Ema tackles the subject of Shizuto Masunaga's "Lifecycle of the Amoeba" (Zen Shiatsu's founder), in comparison with other Universal Archetypes, including the Fool's Journey, the Menstrual Wheel and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 07 Reiki World Magazine: Summer Edition - Animal Reiki article Article by Sue Malcolm , on the Panel discussion - quoting from Ema and other panellist participants in the UK Reiki Federation Webinar . 08 Mystic Mag interview "Mystic Mag" online magazine featured their interview with Ema, in one of their site's Blog articles. You can read it here .

  • Consultation Forms | ReikiEma

    Pre-treatment Consultation Forms & New Client Information New Client Form (Reiki, Womb Massage & Shiatsu) "Natural Lift" Holistic Facial Massage - Client Form Pregnancy and Post-Natal Massage: Client Form Animal Reiki New Client Consent form Animal Reiki Terms & Conditions Under-16s Reiki Consent Form Terms & Conditions, and Client Code of Care

  • ReikiEma's News and Events

    Events Discover forthcoming events (Courses, Workshops and more) & buy tickets here Ingen events i øjeblikket Join a live Reiki meditation and receive a short treatment. Feel uplifted and recharged. Learn about Reiki & be attuned, so that you can give treatments to yourself, friends and family.

  • All about Usui Reiki, at ReikiEma in

    Reiki Healing, Empowering, Uplifting “Reiki" (ray-key) is Japanese... a natural system to help bring about an improved sense of wellbeing and a positive feeling of spiritual renewal. This tradition was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system and benefits may include deep relaxation and the promotion of a calm peaceful sense of wellbeing. Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council Book Reiki now What is Reiki? Click to download the New e-booklet "All About Reiki" for Young People As a CNHC-accredited Practitioner of Reiki, I have been “attuned” and trained by a Reiki Master who has a direct lineage back to Reiki’s founder: Mikao Usui. By utilizing my skills as a Holistic Therapist and Teacher, I strive to provide the best care possible for my clients by using energy work to help heal imbalances within their bodies. Whether clients are seeking physical, emotional, or mental healing, Reiki has the healing power to help. As a Reiki Master Teacher myself, m y goal is to empower others with the ability to heal themselves and others. Since starting my Reiki journey in 2019, I have witnessed the transformative power of Reiki through countless clients - humans and animals - as well as for myself. As one of the first Professional Complementary Therapies in the UK to organise itself and come under CNHC regulation, the Reiki Council's member Associations hold themselves to an extremely high standard of professionalism and excellence. My passion for Reiki, as well as my commitment to client-centred excellence and Continuous Professional Development, have led to my becoming a highly qualified and government-registered practitioner, dedicating my life to helping others find peace, balance and wholeness. Reiki sessions provide a gentle yet powerful healing experience. Reiki is carried out over clothing, and does not use physical manipulation or rely on pressure (treatments use light touch or can be done hands-off). This makes Reiki a completely non-invasive, and accessible therapy, which has no contraindications when used on its own. Experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation as I channel healing energy to help you let go of blockages, refresh and renew your natural energetic flow, and promote improved harmony in your mind and body. Reiki is safe for people of all ages, and in all states of health, and it works holistically - seemingly flowing to where it’s needed, automatically. Join the growing number of people in the North West of England, who are discovering the transformative benefits of Reiki therapy, with an experienced, compassionate practitioner. I take a holistic approach to healing, addressing imbalances and hidden issues which may be present, to promote release, relaxation and inner peace. My sessions are designed to meet you where you stand, and are tailored to address your specific needs on the day. You may feel relaxed and ready for quality rest, or feel lighter, energized, rejuvenated, and ready to take on whatever the Universe has in store for you. Book Reiki now What will happen in your first Reiki treatment Before your Reiki session begins, your therapist should have a short chat with you. This is to check in about how you're feeling that day, whether you prefer a hands-on or hands-off approach for your treatment, and any special requests you might have (like if you need to stretch or keep your eyes open). Remember - you're in control, so if there are specific areas you'd rather avoid (for example, maybe you'd prefer not to have your feet worked on), just let your therapist know. You should also be able to bring a friend or carer along whether it's for safety, logistics, or just reassurance. If you choose to do this, it's a good idea to let your therapist know, ahead of time, so that they can make any arrangements necessary for seating etc, for the person accompanying you to be in the treatment space. This chat is also your chance to ask your therapist questions or for clarification, or to share any concerns you might have. Your Reiki therapist is there to make this experience as smooth and tailored to you as possible, so don't be shy! During the treatment itself, you'll typically be comfortably lying or sitting down, fully clothed but having removed your shoes, coat, glasses and any heavy jewellery. You'll perhaps be covered with a cosy blanket; and in a space free of harsh lighting. Soft, soothing music (if you'd like) sets the scene for your relaxation and comfort. You should feel free to hit the pause button or halt the treatment anytime you wish. This will not impact negatively on your treatment in any way, and Reiki can stop and start as many times as you need it to. Reiki has a way of gently releasing and clearing blocks on various levels, which might manifest as a strong emotional response like laughter or tears, subtle movements in your limbs, or even a cough (especially if a throat chakra block is shifting). If you find yourself surprised or concerned about these reactions, or if you just need a moment to regroup before continuing, take a breather whenever you'd like. You're in the driving seat, and you're best placed to know what you need, so don't worry that it's being rude or difficult - quite the contrary! Experiencing responses like those described above, is completely normal and often occurs as a natural outcome of the Reiki energy working to restore a healthy balance and flow of qi in the body. A Reiki treatment will usually be a full body treatment from head to foot; sometimes lying on the back, sometimes in side position or lying on the front. This really depends on any physical requirements you might have, your own preference/comfort, as well as the Reiki professional’s intuition (i.e. a Reiki practitioner may not need or may choose not to ask a client to move onto their front or side, as Reiki can be used to reach those areas without the client having to move). However, please don't feel you have to go along with what's ordinarily done, and remember - the practitioner is there for you, not the other way around. So if you have a preference, a professional Reiki practitioner should welcome you sharing that. Don't be shy - you're helping them to help you get the most from the treatment - and that's what it's all about! Your Reiki practitioner will often also ask whether there’s a particular outcome or goal you'd like the Reiki treatment to help with; because although the outcome expected should not be fixed, it can be empowering and helpful for you to create a mantra, or set an intention in your mind, to take into the treatment with you. Each Reiki treatment will be experienced differently by each individual person, and you are likely to experience different treatments with the same practitioner, differently. It’s a dynamic process, and how someone receives and experiences Reiki will depend on how they are feeling, and how their energy is, on that particular day. In a way, how different people experience Reiki is a bit like listening to music! How the music makes you feel, and how much you feel affected by it will vary, depending on how you’re feeling, the weather, what’s just happened in your day and how much sleep you got last night - as well as who's performing the music. If Reiki doesn't feel the way you're expecting it to, or the way you've felt it before, that's nothing to be concerned about. Reiki always works, and it always has a positive effect. The way we experience it can be really vivid and "good weird" (as many people have described it to me, after their first session!) but this can actually be a distraction from the healing itself. One way you could look at it, is that your brain is trying to interpret the energy and understand it - and this can give the images and colours/sensations which some people experience. The healing itself happens just the same, whether or not there are any other aspects or interesting things we experience. And seeing colours/people etc doesn't always have a deeper meaning. See whether you can step back from trying to understand or engage with any "weird" experiences you might be having (or not) and just accept whatever the body and brain goes through as just one layer. You could maybe instead, see whether you can tune into the deeper healing that's going on, and notice what happens then... Some of the most commonplace responses/experiences that people have during a Reiki treatment are: Temperature changes (in all or part of the body); Tingling sensations, or feelings of an increase in air pressure; The feeling that their body is very heavy, or very light; Seeing colours or images/people/dreaming; Not knowing whether they’re awake or asleep; The feeling that more than one person is giving them Reiki; Deep relaxation; Busy thoughts continuing, but still feeling very relaxed; Sudden insight or realisations about their own lives; Feelings of deep reassurance/wellbeing/feeling uplifted. After a treatment, you may feel a little light-headed or “spacey”, and so you should be given the chance to come round slowly. Your practitioner should then let you sit for a few minutes and offer you a drink of water or tea, so that you can reground properly (come back into the here & now, and feel fully back in your body), before you leave. There are also some things you should try to do after receiving Reiki, so that you can reap the maximum benefit from your treatment. I stay well hydrated after a Reiki treatment, take things easy - try to avoid high-intensity exercise on the same day as your treatment; avoid stimulants. This is purely because the Reiki energy will still be in your body, still doing its job, for a couple of days after treatment – and you’ll reap more benefits from it if you follow these guidelines. There are also some mild post-treatment symptoms that you might experience: feeling a little more emotional, as stuck emotional blocks or experiences come to the surface and are released (like a holistic Reiki detox); feeling a little under the weather – from the physical detoxification effects of the treatment – mild cold symptoms, for example. This should only last a day or two, and will only be very mild; Feeling thirsty; Needing the toilet more often; Having memories or ideas surfacing or resurfacing, or "big dreams" (try not to worry or try too hard to figure them out - writing down what you experience/remember can be useful as you'll be able to revisit and make more sense of these things afterwards, when you have a little more distance and clarity. If you have any more serious symptoms, please see a healthcare professional, as any post-Reiki symptoms will be mild and short-lived. And if you have any concerns or questions, your Reiki professional should be available for you to get in touch to talk to. Book Reiki now How does Reiki work? Whilst science can’t explain how Reiki does what it does, there have been many robust studies carried out, over more than 10 years - so there is a good deal of empirical evidence proving some of the effects (quantitative) of Reiki (as well as the qualitative observations). These studies focus on: the effects on people receiving Reiki and the effects on those giving Reiki. Some of the effects of Reiki that the UK Government’s Regulator of Complementary and Natural Healthcare (CNHC) lists on their website, are: Encouraging relaxation; Bringing balance to the mind and emotions; Feelings of peace, and/or of being uplifted; Promoting a calm, peaceful sense of wellbeing; Encouraging positive lifestyle changes; A greater inner harmony and balance; Greater emotional resilience. Many hospices and healthcare facilities (both in the United Kingdom and in other countries) have been integrating Reiki into their services, for many years - with volunteers as well as paid professionals. Reiki's benefits continue to become even more widely recognised and accepted by mainstream Western Medicine practitioners, in the United Kingdom, and other countries, thanks to charities and projects like "Full Circle Fund Therapies " whose stated aim is "to introduce, evaluate and research Reiki in clinical practice.", and "Reiki Medic-Care" (I'm a volunteer practitioner in this initiative, which has recently published its first Research Article, with data gathered from Medics receiving distance Reiki during the pandemic). Find out more at the UK Reiki Federation or the CNHC. Book Reiki now

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Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council logo - links to CNHC website listing for Ema Melanaphy
UK Reiki Federation logo linked to UK Reiki Federation's Official website
Reiki Medic-Care logo: link opens official Reiki Medic-Care website

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