Having trouble getting or staying asleep? Feeling tired but wired? Well if so, this meditation was designed just for you!
A Yin-boosting, Qi balancing guided Wellbeing meditation, with chilled-out spacey music, and binaural delta waves (to add that extra bit of "oomph" to the relaxing effect), this meditation is super effective at helping people nod off - before it's even finished!
With no ending bell or wake-up sequence, you can allow yourself to go as deeply into rest, or sleep, as you wish. Sweet dreams!
Credits and Copyright
Credit: Music track composed by Christopher Lloyd Clarke, and is used under licence, with the composer's permission.
Words by Ema Melanaphy and spoken word track by Ema Melanaphy.
This track is for personal, individual use by the buyer, and is not to be copied, shared, disseminated or broadcast, in whole or in part, without the express permission of Ema Melanaphy (T/As ReikiEma), of Suite 3, 3-5 Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1PG.